Livox Lidar MID-70
1 279,00 €
ALV Sisällytetty
The Mid-70 is another component adding to the overall market appeal for Livox with tailored use applications such as low-speed autonomous driving and mobile robotics. By significantly expanding the vertical viewing angle, reducing blind spots, and increasing close-range precision, the Mid-70 offers thorough and comprehensive point cloud data quality to ensure safer autonomy.70.4� Circular FOV5 cm Minimum Detection Range2 cm Range Precision< 0.1� Angle PrecisionWider Viewing Angle, Smaller Blind ZoneThe Mid-70's circular field of view extends to 70.4� both horizontally and vertically, and the minimum detection range is reduced to only 5 cm. The wider viewing angle and smaller blind zone enable the system to better explore the surrounding environment and efficiently detect and avoid small objects. This advancement in increasing the viewing angle while reducing the blind zone opens up the autonomous-driving system to be safely used in a multitude of applications and environments such as airports, malls, hospitals, and other crowded and complex areas.Cost-EffectiveCompared to the current market that primarily uses costly laser emitters or immature MEMS scanners, the Mid-70 adopts low-cost, high-quality semiconductor components for light generation and detection. The entire optical system, including the scanning units, uses proven and readily available optical components such as those employed in the optical lens industry. All of these factors contribute to an accessible price point of just $1099 for a single unit.The Secrets of High Cost PerformanceMass ProductionThe Livox Mid-70 adopts a non-repetitive scanning method and coaxial design, allowing it to achieve higher point cloud density and detection distance with fewer laser detectors. Additionally, it does not require complicated and time-consuming multi-line laser calibration procedures, reducing the difficulty of optical calibration during production. This enables automated mass production, improving performance, and significantly reducing production costs. Livox has developed supply chains and production systems, allowing the company to easily achieve mass production.Stability and ReliabilityThe Mid-70 sensor adopts an innovative optoelectronic system design with rotation-free photoelectric components that result in better performance and higher reliability. The Mid series LiDAR sensors can continuously operate for up to 8,000 hours at a consistent temperature and work normally within the environmental temperature range of -20�C to 65�C, meeting the high-intensity requirements of long-term uninterrupted operation for commercial robots. Even in 100 klx lighting conditions, the false alarm rate remains less than one in ten thousand. The 905nm laser power also meets eye safety standards
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