Nice to Meet You All!
Skydata comes from Scandinavia, from Finland to be exact. Our office is located west of Helsinki, just some 12 kilometers by car. Our passion has been unmanned aircraft already since 2009 when our company was started, but actually drones came along in 2010 when we started to sell DJI Flamewheel kits and flight controllers.
Its been a long journey from the soldering generation drone building to today´s high end advanced systems that we today are working with. After 15 years, we can say that its been an interesting ride, to say the least.
Writing this means that Xmas 2024 is very near and we have just launched our new updated homepage and a lot of new products, software and service have been added to our portfolio also. Our planet is living interesting and challenging times at the same time, but as always, its time to look forward, focus on the positive issues and develop the business for the coming challenges.
Company History
When I started this company, I had a 20+ years working history from IT and ITC business sectors behind me and I wanted to do something else, something that was and is close to my heart. Technology has always been "the thing" and as such, DSRL cameras, new generation accessories for Youtubers and other social media people came out and finally, aerial filming drones entered the market. I knew it right away - this is for me.
Skydata was actually not started in 2009 but small start-up company of mine, which finally in 2009 metamorphosed into concept called Skydata started the present Skydata Oy. I wanted to develop the business from one man and a dog company to a concept that would offer unseen professionalism, excellent service and naturally, professionals that could do the job. I invited three people to join the company as minority partners and well, here we now are.
So Who We Are Today?
Skydata is owned by three people, two that who are "the lunies" being involved 24/7 in every day work. Our coworkers are industry professionals that share the same mindset with us.
What is Our Company Ideology?
Since the days working at the IT scene sector in sales and client management, I decided that serving clients based on their needs and demands will take us far. By truly trying to find the best possible solution for the clients need, Ive seen so good results and satisfied clients that this is the way to go still. Thats why Skydata is not represeting only one brand or sector, but multi brands that offers everything that has to do with drones, ROV`s and robotics in general. With this policy, we know that our clients will get best possible solution and in the end, we can also search other solutions to help the client to achieve the best results.
We are always looking for new UAV products, solutions and software to sell in Finland. Market is changing and developing rapidly, demands and needs are changing and without a doubt - its a hard work to keep up, but hey, that`s why we are here, helping the end client organizations to get the best possible solutions and equipment for their need.
Please contact us if you are interested to partnership with Skydata Oy
Jan Lindberg